Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Work Rule of Record Type: Field Service - Match Territory

Once we installed FSL package then we can find this type (Field Service - Match Territory) of Work Rule record is already available for use and rule name is “Match Territory”.

This work rule is responsible to filter out only the Service Resource(s) who is/are belong to the same Territory, as assigned in Service Appointment and display that filtering candidate(s) for assignment in Dispatch Console.


Lets take the example I have implemented here. I have created a Work Order (00000019) and for this Work Order, a Service Appointment (SA-0019) has been created. Here the territory assigned for Service Appointment (SA-0019) is “Delhi”.

Now open the Service Territory (Delhi) and go to the RELATED LIST of it and check the Service Resources available for this territories. So, there are four resources available for this territory as shown below screen.

So, Service Territory “Delhi” is assigned for Service Appointment “SA-0019” and there are four Service Resources available for this Delhi territory.

Now if we include the work rule “Match Territory” under our Scheduling Policy, then as per rule, only these four Service Resources will be display as available resources. However, there are multiple service resources available under different territories.

LWC to LWC Communication using Lightning Messaging Service (Part - 2)

In my previous post ( previous post link ) we have learn how to create a Lightning Messaging Service with 6 steps and today we will use the ...