Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Work Rule of Record Type: Field Service - Match Fields

As per naming conversion this Match Field work rule match field value between Service Appointment and Service Resource.

If we create a Work Rule [Work Rules Tab > New] of record type “Field Service - Match Fields”, then it will open below screen with below define fields,

Work Rule Name
Name of your Work Rule.
Description of your Work Rule.
Service Property
Pick List
1. API name of Service Appointment’s primitive data type field.
2. We can add API name as LOV of this field (Service Property) of Work Rule Object.
Boolean Operator
Pick List
Operator like
Resource Property
Pick List
1. API name of Service Resource’s primitive data type field.
2. We can add API name as LOV of this field (Resource Property) of Work Rule Object.


Suppose we want to create a work rule which check same “Gantt Label” between Service Appointment and Service Resource and based on this work rule Resource will be available for appointment under Dispatch Console.


Note: For this example, I will work on existing record to make this discussion to the point. Because here our aim is to check, exclude work rule behavior, but not to create a Work Order or Service Appointment or Scheduling Service Resource etc.

Initial Check è Check Service Resource(s) for Service Appointment (SA-0017) in Dispatch Console.

Check there is four Service Resources are available for appointment and they are “Alan Reed, Martino Castanon, Paul Morrison, Ralph Clark”.

Work Rule Creation è
Now check that for both Service Appointment and Service Resource have a field label as “Gantt Label” and API is “FSL__GanttLabel__c”.
Now we have to add this API as LOV for Work Rule fields named as “Service Propertyand “Resource Property”.
" So, open Work Rule object and add the LOVs as shown below,

Now, create a Work Rule named as “Check Gantt Label” as shown below,

Assigning this Work Rule in your Scheduling Policy.

Now for our Service Appointment (SA-0017) set Gantt Label value as “Installer” and for following two available resources (check Screen 2) modify same Gantt Label.

Test Resource Availability è
As per Work Rule, only two resources (Alan Reed and Ralph Clark) should be show in Dispatch Console for appointment. As other two resources (Paul Morrison and Martino Castanon) are not matching Gantt Label, so they will not available for appointment.

LWC to LWC Communication using Lightning Messaging Service (Part - 2)

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